Mont-Tremblant, Canada will be host the very 1st IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship outside the USA. Screenshot: |
Kai Baumgartner kommentiert den Ironman Hawaii Triathlon, Triathlon bei Olympia und den Lifestyle von Triathleten. Der vertiefende Blick auf weitere Ausdauersportarten, Sportpolitik und Doping gehört ebenso zum Pflichtprogramm, wie die Suche nach den Dingen hinter dem Tellerrand. Per Interview, Kommentar, Reportage in Wort, Podcast, Bild oder als Video.
Freitag, 31. Mai 2013
2014 IRONMAN 70.3 World Championships to be hosted in Canada, chances for Europe in near future
Interview with IRONMAN’s Andrew Messick: “In its 35-year history, IRONMAN has never had a World Championship event outside of the United States. Need I say more?”
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Andrew Messick is WTC's CEO since 2011. He gave a few insights on actual developments and topics. Photo:
Free and exclusive BETA invitation
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Get your BETA invitation today. Photo: |
2013 Ironman 70.3 Honu Triathlon Hawaii race course preview with Greg Welch
Donnerstag, 30. Mai 2013
ITU releases Smart TV app for live triathlon race broadcasts
Die Triathlon-WM-Serie kommt mit dem Madrider Rennen nach Europa, „aufdieser Strecke ist der komplette Athlet gefragt!“
Mittwoch, 29. Mai 2013
Marc Kiefer neuer Cheftrainer Paratriathlon von Deutschem Behindertensportverband und Deutscher Triathlon Union
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Marc Kiefer komplettiert zusammen mit Nadine Mielke und Alfred Lipp das Betreungsteam für die Parathriathleten in Kooperation von DBS und DTU. Photo: DBS |
Mittwoch, 22. Mai 2013
Risiko oder Chance? Ironman 70.3 Berlin muss Streckenführung wegen fehlender Behördengenehmigungen ändern
Senatsbeschluss für striktere Genehmigungen
Chance für den Triathlon in Berlin
Handlungsoptionen für Athleten
Die World Triathlon Corporation hat in einer E-Mail bereits die gemeldeten Triathleten informiert:- Inanspruchnahme des Startrechts unter den geänderten Voraussetzungen.
- Übertragung des Startrechts auf einen anderen europäischen Ironman 70.3 Triathlon, sofern dies bestehende Platzkontingente zulassen.*
- Kostenlose Stornierung und Erstattung aller mit der Anmeldung über die WTC entstandenen Kosten.*
Aktuelles Urteil: Verkehrssicherungspflichten bei einem Triathlon weichen von denen eines Radrennens ab
- Landgericht Heilbronn, Urteil vom 20. Februar 2013, AZ 5 O 295/12 Mc
Deutsche Meisterschaften über die Langdistanz sind zurück in Roth, DTU-Präsident: „Entscheidung für Roth ist fast zwangsläufig gefallen“
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Drei der Titelanwärter bei der Deutschen Meisterschaft über die Langdistanz in Roth 2013 (v.l.): Julia Gajer, Timo Bracht und Sonja Tajsich. Photo: Challenge Roth |
Teilnehmerstärkste DM, die es je gab
Große deutsche Namen am Start
Dienstag, 21. Mai 2013
Research: Exercise, Nutrition & The Brain
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Romain Meussen's team does research on exercise, nutriation and brain development and brain maintenaince. Photo: Vimeo Creative Commons |
- Exercise and nutrition can influence brain development in youth.
- Exercise and nutrition can slow down and reverse cognitive decline in the elderly.
- Exercise and nutrition influences brain health through several mechanisms that create new neurons (neurogenesis).
- Fatigue during exercise can reside in the brain.
- Nutritional interventions may influence the occurrence of “central or brain fatigue” during exercise.
- Sports Science Exchange (2013) Vol. 26, No. 112, 1-6 -
Montag, 20. Mai 2013
Research: The Right Ventricle Best Predicts the Race Performance in Amateur Ironman Athletes
- Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise: POST ACCEPTANCE, 12 March 2013
Sonntag, 19. Mai 2013
Research: Post-exercise whey protein hydrolysate supplementation induces a greater increase in muscle protein synthesis than its constituent amino acid content.
- British Journal of Nutrition, pp 1-7
Dienstag, 14. Mai 2013
Planned 2015 WADA Anti-Doping Code doubles sanctions for 1st time cheaters
WADA Executive Committee and Foundation Board Approach Final Revision of 2015 Code
The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) made significant progress in its mission to enhance global support in the fight against doping in sport during the Agency’s Executive Committee and Foundation Board meetings held in Montreal this weekend.
The meetings focused mainly on proposed amendments to the third draft of the 2015 World Anti-Doping Code in context of the Code Review Process with stakeholders that commenced in November 2011. The review process included three phases of consultation and will conclude at the World Conference on Doping in Sport in Johannesburg, South Africa, November 12-15, 2013.
A large number of submissions were received from stakeholders during the three phases of the consultation process. There have been nearly 4,000 individual comments on the Code and International Standards.
“WADA values the input of these stakeholders and is pleased with the level of their engagement throughout the review process,” confirmed John Fahey, WADA President. “The Agency continually seeks to enhance the framework that supports the anti-doping system, and revisions depend on these contributions.”
With the third draft, the Code becomes clearer in language, shorter in length, and the articles stronger. The amendments put forward provide for:
- Longer periods of ineligibility for real cheats and more flexibility in sanctioning in other specific circumstances.
- Consideration of the principles of proportionality and human rights.
- Assistance in the increasing importance of investigations in the fight against doping.
- Encompassing Athlete Support Personnel who are involved in doping.
- Emphasis on the concepts of smart test distribution planning, smart menus for Sample analysis, and smart Sample storage.
- Added clarity and equality in balancing the interests of International Federations and National Anti-Doping Organizations.
Code Compliance Strategy
The WADA Foundation Board acknowledged the Code compliance strategy for monitoring compliance of the “2015 World Anti-Doping Code.”
WADA has looked at ways to improve the compliance report and to ensure it is a tool to measure quality and to judge the effectiveness of anti-doping programs.
“Quality WADA-approved testing programs are needed to ensure, that testing is effective and that sophisticated cheaters are found. This will ultimately advance the fight against doping in sport,” said Mr. Fahey.
Effectiveness of Testing Programs
The WADA Foundation Board received a report from the Ad Hoc Working Group responsible for reviewing the “ineffectiveness of testing” programs. The Ad Hoc Working Group, chaired by former WADA President Richard W. Pound, made a number of recommendations and suggestions on improvements to testing programs. WADA has immediately responded to the issues the Agency can address from a management perspective.
The Code Drafting Team responsible for revising the Code and International Standards noted all the recommendations affecting the revision process and incorporated many of them within the drafts provided at the weekend meetings.
A significant amount of work in response to the report has already been undertaken. Other recommendations are for the respective stakeholder groups to consider. The WADA Executive Committee directed that these groups be informed and asked to report to the Executive Committee at its meeting on September 11, in Buenos Aires.
World Conference on Doping in Sport
Foundation Board Members were presented with the approved program of the World Conference on Doping in Sport to be held November 12-15 in Johannesburg. The main focus will be the review and endorsement of the final version of the 2015 World Anti-Doping Code and related International Standards.
The WADA Executive Committee and Foundation Board will convene in Johannesburg prior to the Conference and following its conclusion. A special meeting of the Foundation Board will also be required to approve the World Anti-Doping Code and International Standards prior to the Conference endorsing them.
Other matters
Further to the CAS award in the Andrus Veerpalu case last March, as the CAS panel was not “comfortably satisfied” with the decision limits currently applied to hGH testing, WADA is undertaking the work required to re-establish the limits with the assistance of independent teams of statisticians.
The Executive Committee has decided to implement immediately a modification to WADA Technical document TD 2013DL to increase the threshold level for marijuana to 150 ng/ml. Marijuana is a prohibited substance for in-competition testing, and remains on the Prohibited List. It has never been prohibited out-of-competition. The change to the threshold will mean that athletes using the substance in-competition will be detected. The threshold can be monitored and changed at any time.
The Athlete Committee urged the Kenyan government to put in place an independent inquiry to look into the doping allegations that the country’s athletes have been facing for some time now.
Montag, 13. Mai 2013
Bundesliga-Start mit tollem Sport in Kreuztal-Buschhütten, Buschhüttener Herren werden Favoritenrolle gerecht. Krefelder Damen und die Herren des Team Saar überraschen
Die Stärke der Konkurrenz neidlos anerkannte DTU-Kaderathletin Rebecca Robisch, im Einsatz für Buschhütten und neun Sekunden hinter Krefeld im Ziel. „Platz zwei ist für uns ok, die anderen waren einfach besser. Aber es hat viel Spaß gemacht und es war ein tolles Rennen.“ Das sah auch Wittens Teamkapitänin Kathrin Müller so. Ein sehr schönes Rennen und in unserer Besetzung ist Platz drei in Ordnung, die beiden anderen waren heute zu stark.“
Etwas überraschend verlief das Rennen der Herren. Dass die Nachwuchstruppe aus Saarbrücken nach dem zweiten Wechsel als erstes Team auf die Laufstrecke gehen würde, hatten nur wenige erwartet. „Als Führende auf die Laufstrecke zu gehen, war toll“, leuchteten noch im Ziel die Augen von Micha Zimmer. „Mit einem so tollen Resultat hatten wir nicht gerechnet.“ Anerkennung bekamen die Saarbrücker, für die auch Olympiasieger Jan Frodeno noch starten wird, auch von allen Konkurrenten. Sieger Maik Petzold sagte stellvertretend. „Vor den Jungs ziehe ich den Hut. Der Wettkampf war heute knüppelhart und es ist schön, dass wir gewonnen haben, was ja auch ein bisschen Pflichtprogramm war beim Heimspiel“, so der Routinier.
Gemeinsam mit den Buschhüttenern und den Saarbrückern hatte sich das Team aus Potsdam, in Führung nach dem Schwimmen, etwas von der Konkurrenz abgesetzt und am Ende den Silberrang belegt. Teamkapitän Franz Löschke hatte nach dem Rennen insofern auch ebenso gute Laune wie die anderen Podiumsplatzierten. „Platz zwei ist super. Wir wussten, dass wir im Schwimmen vorne sein können, und haben dann im Laufen nicht ganz das Tempo der Sieger mitgehen können.“
Samstag, 11. Mai 2013
Stadt Köln macht Ernst beim Schwimmverbot im Fühlinger See
Donnerstag, 9. Mai 2013
IRONMAN Announces SwimSmart Initiative for Events in North America
- IRONMAN will pilot several alternative race starts at select events to further enhance the athlete experience and reduce swim anxiety. Three events in 2013 will feature new swim start formats – IRONMAN Coeur d’Alene, IRONMAN Lake Placid and IRONMAN Mont-Tremblant – while two other 2013 events, IRONMAN Lake Tahoe and IRONMAN Florida, will feature modifications in how athletes start their races.
- North American IRONMAN® events will include a pre-race, in-water warm-up whenever possible.
- Water temperature below 52 degrees Fahrenheit or above 88 degrees Fahrenheit will result in cancellation or shortening of the swim portion of the race.
- Numbered course buoys to assist in positioning of water assets/personnel and provide more accurate communication for locating and rescuing distressed swimmers.
- Anchored resting rafts to be strategically placed along the swim course (please note that athletes will NOT be disqualified by resting on these floats).
- Increased professional swim course personnel to enhance the overall athlete experience.
- Additional rescue boat and personal watercrafts (PWC, kayaks, paddleboards, etc.).