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Montag, 24. Februar 2014

Doping: Boosting natural EPO production with inert gas Xenon

Investigativ Doping journalist Hajo Seppelt and his team from German tv station ARD (WDR, sport inside) aired on Sunday, 24. FEB 2014 a 3:45' feature on a new doping method based on an article in "The Economist". According to internal studies from Russia's "Atom-Med Center" (АТОМ-МЕД ЦЕНТР, Moscow) the inert gas Xenon may boost the natural production of EPO (Erythropoetin) similar and as effective as forbidden methods or allowed methods like altitude camps or low oxygen simulation facilities. Application of Xenon (aka Medxenon) can boost Testosterone levels in blood stream as well. The use of Xenon can't be detected from as of now.

The color spectrum of noble gas Xenon in a gas discharge tube. Photo: Wikipedia, Alchemist-hp (talk) (

The Economist in detail:
Xenon works its magic by activating production of a protein called Hif-1 alpha. This acts as a transcription factor: a chemical switch that turns on production of a variety of other proteins, one of which is EPO. Artificially raising levels of EPO, by injecting synthetic versions of the hormone or by taking so-called Hif stabilisers (drugs that discourage the breakdown of Hif-1 alpha), is illegal under the rules of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA). Other methods of boosting the hormone, however, are permissible—and that fact has not gone unnoticed by the Russian sports authorities. Athletes are allowed to live or train at altitude, or sleep in a low-oxygen tent, in order to stimulate red-cell production. If xenon treatment is merely replicating low-oxygen environments by replacing oxygen with xenon, then its use to enhance athletic performance is permissible.
The use of xenon by athletes certainly has government blessing. A document produced in 2010 by the State Research Institute of the Ministry of Defence sets out guidelines for the administration of the gas to athletes. It advises using it before competitions to correct listlessness and sleep disruption, and afterwards to improve physical recovery. The recommended dose is a 50:50 mixture of xenon and oxygen, inhaled for a few minutes, ideally before going to bed. The gas’s action, the manual states, continues for 48-72 hours, so repeating every few days is a good idea. And for last-minute jitters, a quick hit an hour before the starting gun can help. [...] 
And the gas appears to have been used in past Olympics. The website of Atom Medical Centre, a Russian medical-xenon producer, cites national honours the company received for its efforts in preparing athletes for the 2004 summer Olympics and the 2006 winter games.
Prof. Dr. Mario Thevis (Deutsche Sporthochschule Köln) claims, animal studies show Xenon boosts the natural EPO production within 24 hours at least up the 160% mark. A representative of Atom Med, claims the utilization of Xenon isn't doping, because there are no biochemical traces inside an athlete's body. In a sequence Richard Pound Howman (former founding president WADA) addressed the issue as well. WADA President Craig Reedie confirmed  they will follow up on Xenon. Currently two camps debate, if the application of Medxenon is a (current or future) WADA code violation.  

Xenon follows another ARD revelation (Fullsize MGF). Xenon doping has potential to have changed the outcome of 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics and prior games like Athens (75% of all Russian medal winner), Turin (70% Russian medal winner), London and Beijing Olympics as well. [1, 2, 3, 4]

Update 25. FEB 2014: Journalist Jens Weinreich uploaded some of the original documents and some numbers of past Olympic games. [3]


Montag, 24. September 2012

TV-Tipp: "Medaillen als Maßstab" - ein Film von Fred Kowasch & Daniel Drepper

Die beiden Journalisten Niklas Schenck und Daniel Drepper haben in einem bespiellosen Auskunftsbegehren bei DOSB und BMI eine Debatte über die sogenannten Zielvereinbarungen im deutschen Spitzensport ausgelöst. Am Montag, den 24. September 2012 wird in der Reportage "Medaillen als Maßstab" auf WDR eine aktuelle Statusaufnahme versucht. Die Sendung wird auf dem digitalen ARD-Kanal "Tagesschau24" dienstags um 0:00 Uhr wiederholt oder kann im Internet-Archiv betrachtet werden.
Die Autoren Fred Kowasch und Daniel Drepper hinterfragen, ob Zielvereinbarungen des DOSB und BMI und Medaillenspiegel als Maßstab in heutiger Zeit noch zeitgemäss sind. Screenshot: WDR
Der WDR schreibt in seiner Ankündigung: "Nach den Olympischen Spielen in London entbrannte eine heftige Debatte um das Abschneiden deutscher Sportler. 86 Medaillen hatten Funktionäre und Beamte intern in Absprache mit den Fachverbänden bereits vier Jahre vor den Spielen von den Athleten gefordert, 28 davon in Gold. Vor und während der Spiele zierte sich der DOSB lange Zeit, diese sogenannten Zielvereinbarungen öffentlich zu machen. Erst nach dem Urteil eines Gerichtes gab das Bundesinnenministerium schließlich nach und löste eine rege Debatte über die deutsche Sportförderung aus."


"Die Zeiten des Kalten Krieges sind lange vorbei. Wäre es nicht längst an der Zeit, sich vom Medaillenspiegel und dem Vergleich mit anderen Nationen zu lösen?"